Solidarietà a Nermin Al-Sharif leader del Sindacato dei portuali e dei marinai della Libia.

Pubblichiamo l’appello di Eric Lee coordinatore della rete internazionale  Labourstart per Nermin Al Sharif  leader del Sindacato libico dei portuali e dei marinai . Nermin Al Sharif è vittima di persecuzioni da parte delle autorità libiche per la sua attività sindacale. E’ possibile sottoscrivere l’appello di solidarietà a Nermin Al  Sharif cliccando il link “Click Here”.
Click here to support Nermin.





L’appello di Eric Lee

I met Nermin Al-Sharif, the leader of the Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Union of Libya, last year in Norway.  I knew of her because in the past, following an assassination attempt, LabourStart was asked to run a campaign in her defence.

Meeting her face to face, I could see why some powerful forces might fear this woman, as she is a very strong, determined, and fearless leader of workers.

Nermin is well known for her tireless work in support of human, workers’ and women’s rights in Libya, in the Arab region, and globally. 

Because of this work, she has been subject to ongoing attacks on her freedom and personal safety including several attempts on her life. 

In the latest incident Nermin was detained for a number of days and has had her passport confiscated subject to “an investigation”. 

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) is calling upon the UN representative in Libya to help end this campaign of intimidation and violence against Nermin.

Please join us by signing up to the campaign here — it will just take a moment:


In addition, the European Transport Workers Federation has asked us to share their new online petition defending the right to strike for air traffic controllers in Europe – a right which is now under threat.  Read more and sign up here.

And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you!

Eric Lee